Central Asia 1 Central Asia 2 Central Asia 3 0 Central Asia 4 - East business thin. 0 Central Asia 5 - And people here good. 0 Central Asia 6 - Beauty among living. 0 Central Asia 7 - Mister Leo - connoisseur of mountains and amateur of flowers.
Central Asia Three1574 - So all free time passes behind conversations during reception of food and about this food. Central Asia Three1654 - The pressure of ideas delivers to the porter extreme pleasure. Что он там пишет, знает тот, кто снял записку с перевала Аксу (4070) после 2 июля 2003 года. Central Asia Three1655 - Not to everyone is given to write... Central Asia Three1709 - In any way person in a cup is not located, such became thick. Central Asia Three1824 - Both winter and summer a cap on a head green and woolen. Central Asia Three1939 - Collective reception of stocks of food. Central Asia Three1956 - Dances on snow - work simple. But Malcolm has crept on a stomach on Aksu (Аксу) and this adventure!
Central Asia Three1957 - In Almaty at this time temperature of air was plus of 38 degrees. That person so has burned down on the sun. Central Asia Three1958 - The Alpine Rose - little flower in my cup. Central Asia Three1412 - At a camel two humps, because life - struggle. Central Asia Three1427 - The large pool or small lake on a background. Central Asia Three1428 - Marat. Central Asia Three1429 - Also Marat, only has changed a situation of a body. Central Asia Three1498 - The distant plan...
Central Asia Three1499 -The near plan... Central Asia Three1500 - Even closer, but a little that has changed for this time... Central Asia Three1565 - About Marat greater will not tell. Central Asia Three1566 - Vladimir - somewhere something eats. Central Asia Three1591 - Post at him such - ahead looking conductor. Central Asia Three1617 - Kind at Marata such, as if all day bales dragged on a back. Central Asia Three1618 - Sasha with the favourite bottle (with water, though certainly, it is a pity, that with water).
Central Asia Three1650 - Sasha on a background of mountains, but already without a bottle. Central Asia Three1698 - He is concentrated thinks or absent-mindedly accepts food? Central Asia Three1742 - About what, porter, think? Central Asia Three1743 - Is not present, it is the having a rest porters on a field. Central Asia Three1744 - Field after fight?... Central Asia Three1745 - The porters on rest. Central Asia Three1768 - The main point of a support of the porter is given in action. (do not offend the porter, do not think, that it is his head).
Central Asia Three1782 - In the distance present high-mountainous lake. (Fish there is not present precisely - probably water cold). Central Asia Three1800 - Marat with the bale. Central Asia Three1801 - The noses, certainly at all have scorched on the sun. Central Asia Three1834 - Sasha. The cargo has won him. Central Asia Three1909 - As speak at us - or eat, or to the cook talk.

One word: PORTERS

I express the large gratitude Leo (Is able to see in the photos something especial. Especially I like a panorama Hong-Kong. - Умеет увидеть на своих фотографиях что-то особенное.), Andrew (The portrait photo is especially good. - Особенно хороша портретная фотография.) and all friends for photos. The highly artistic photos. I am sorry for possible discrepancies in translation of a textual part of an album.
Travel with us across Pamir.
Travel across Pamir and Charyn's canyon.
Предлагаем горные маршруты.
Central Asia. Foto Leo Murray.
Kalahari. Foto Leo Murray.
Mongolia. Foto Leo Murray.
Гонг-Конг. Foto Leo Murray.
Kolsay of Lake.
Tjan-Shang. Foto Andrew Fraser.

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